Sycamore Animal Clinic

7210 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd
Mint Hill, NC 28227


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Intervertebral Disk Disease (Herniations of the Disk)

Intervertebral disks are located between the vertebrae (bones of the spine). Each disk has two parts, a fibrous outer layer and the jelly-like interior. When di ...

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Canned Food Transition for Cats Addicted to Dry Food

(The information contained in this handout is an excerpt from Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition, which can be found at the author's website ...

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Nighttime Waking in Senior Dogs

Sleep is essential for dogs and people. Disturbances of the sleep-wake cycle occur in older pets and often disrupt the entire family. Interrupted sleep is a co ...

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How Much for that Doggy in the Window?

Let’s face it. We’ve all been victims. You walk past the pet shop on the way to the shoe store. Or you’re looking for bargains at the local flea market. You’re ...

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Canine influenza expert calls for better border protection

As the H3N2 strain of canine influenza circulates beyond Chicago, Illinois and spreads to other Midwestern states — Wisconsin and Indiana among them — one exper ...

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Classroom Pets: Things to Consider

Having pets in school classrooms is a somewhat controversial subject. For every good point that's raised (e.g., promoting empathy, entertainment, learning about ...

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